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What's Your Focus

Summer is flying by - it seems like every time I read, or sit to write, another week has passed by. Don't worry - still writing! I do feel like I am jumping around from one story to another...but at least I'm writing, right?

Outside of the house life is still frustrating. Mask ordinances means it is extremely hard for me to understand people. I much prefer to have my husband or a friend go with me so that if someone ends up talking to me, they can sign. I recently got a new mask from another deaf friend saying "I'm deaf" and "Can't see your lips" makes me smile inside. Has it helped? Eh... not really. Most people don't look at the mask. I end up pointing to that if I see their lips moving and holding up my phone with my request if I had anything.

But, all the mask ordinances and the push for captioning and ASL interpreters for news on T.V. has spurred me on in my writing.

What Am I Working On Now?

I finished camp - and went over by nearly 15,000 words. #winning Though it was an easier camp because I was simply rewriting a story that I love, but the focus was not on a deaf or hard-of-hearing character. Even though *most of the paragraphs completely changed, I had a story line.

No, that's not what I am working on now.

I've restarted Deaf Tales. I am going through editing my short stories that focus on fairy tales or favorite short stories and fracturing them to have a deaf or hard-of-hearing character(s). I started this back in 2018, continued in 2019 camp and then got distracted by The Lost Daughter.

But taking a break on editing is good not only for your soul, but also for your mind. My mind was becoming frustrated with TLD. I decided to send to a couple of beta readers and move on to editing something else until they get back with me.

I'm back working on Deaf Tales

Currently, I have eleven short stories with 5 longer stories and 6 shorter. Longer stories include: Alice in "Deafland," Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Down to the Sea - a Mermaid Tale, and A Little Princess. Shorter stories are: Pete's Dragon, Rapunzel, The Princess and the Pea, Hansel and Gretel, Peter Pan, and Snow White and Rose Red.

I've been working on editing these stories and cleaning up - why? I think these would be a great first book to be published. Yes, I realize in one of my blogs I mentioned that I had found THE SAME YEAR that another person created deaf fairy tales. But mine are different. And, like I've mentioned before, more than one person can write the fairy tales - it's always been done and retold.

I plan on having at least fifteen, if not twenty fairy tales and short stories. So while I am editing, I am also retelling. I've started on my sister-in-law's favorite story is Little Red Riding Hood. I'm hoping before end of summer to have the other 3 to 8 written - or restarted. #goals

Oh, and did I mention? I'm at the beach writing. #beachwriting

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