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Another NaNo

Another NaNoWriMo has come and gone. How did I do? Ehh. I finished. Do I feel accomplished. No, not really. Personally, I like to write a completely new book for NaNo. A fresh, new idea fleshed out.

That didn't happen. Not technically.

Yes, I started a new book - and am really excited to see where it will go. But I got about 10,000 words in when I was thinking about it and I wanted to re-write a better version of Flash of Gold. After all, I started that my senior year of college. It's a good story but it can be better and my writing has definitely changed in almost ten years.

And then, I remembered what my writing group had said when they were discussing The Lost Daughter. I needed more content. The second part was minuscule compared to the first part and part three is nearly no-existent.

So, I switched focuses again and decided to finish The Lost Daughter and hopefully begin editing it in January. As last year, I made a goal to be done editing and work towards publishing by March. I decided to shift that goal to this coming year - 2020. Work on editing in January, get to beta readers in February, and begin querying/Swoon Reads uploads, etc. by March. Do you think I can do it?

I'm certainly going to try.

On a positive note, I did get over 50,000 words combined and I wrote (nearly) every day. So, that's good.

How did your nano go?

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